







I had an RDO IceHouse installation of openstack on Fedora 20. It had no swift installed, so I was trying to install it. The installation was done ~6-8 month ago, and since then some additional configs were made, so running packstack again was a bit of risk.

Following mainly that document I succeeded to have swift running.

But the problem is that when I create a container (from a dashboard, for example), in 5-30 seconds it disappears.

    $ swift stat
       Account: AUTH_df715cfea8e240e3be22ba7bd56d148a
    Containers: 1
       Objects: 0
         Bytes: 0
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
   X-Timestamp: 1418907580.14515
    X-Trans-Id: tx811daed7a0d846d8b7ad7-005492cfcb
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

  $ swift stat
       Account: AUTH_df715cfea8e240e3be22ba7bd56d148a
    Containers: 0
       Objects: 0
         Bytes: 0
X-Put-Timestamp: 1418907615.35912
   X-Timestamp: 1418907615.35912
    X-Trans-Id: tx62147245b42340419681f-005492cfdf
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8



Ok, seems that it is fixed somehow

Possible reason: in parallel with services (openstack-swift-…), i run swift-init (which run the same processes) and the configuration changes I did were not taken into account.

  1. stop things with swift-init: swift-init kill all (Note: I tried to fix it by doing all the following steps without this one. It did not work, so it was crucial)
  2. stop all services (I run all on one node):for service in openstack-swift-object openstack-swift-object-replicator openstack-swift-object-updater openstack-swift-object-auditor openstack-swift-container openstack-swift-container-replicator openstack-swift-container-updater openstack-swift-container-auditor openstack-swift-account openstack-swift-account-replicator openstack-swift-account-reaper openstack-swift-account-auditor openstack-swift-proxy openstack-swift-account; do service $service stop; done
  3. remove all files from the node (I had it at /srv/node/partition1)
  4. in /etc/swift, removed {account,container,object}{.builder,.ring.gz} (also removed things from /etc/swift/backup)
  5. Recreated rings:cd /etc/swiftswift-ring-builder account.builder create 18 1 1swift-ring-builder container.builder create 18 1 1swift-ring-builder object.builder create 18 1 1swiftstorage=ip-of-your-storage-nodeswift-ring-builder account.builder add z1-$swiftstorage:6202/partition1 100swift-ring-builder container.builder add z1-$swiftstorage:6201/partition1 100swift-ring-builder object.builder add z1-$swiftstorage:6200/partition1 100swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalanceswift-ring-builder container.builder rebalanceswift-ring-builder object.builder rebalancechown -R swift:swift .
  6. restarted services:for service in openstack-swift-object openstack-swift-object-replicator openstack-swift-object-updater openstack-swift-object-auditor openstack-swift-container openstack-swift-container-replicator openstack-swift-container-updater openstack-swift-container-auditor openstack-swift-account openstack-swift-account-replicator openstack-swift-account-reaper openstack-swift-account-auditor openstack-swift-proxy openstack-swift-account; do service $service start; done

Now stuff started working… Hope it can help someone.

我是直接把分区格式化重新再来,注意,如果你重启,重新挂载,记得给/srv对应的权限,也就是 chown -R swift.swift /srv ,否则上传文件报错404

[root@server_2 ~]

# swift upload C1 admin-openrc.sh
Warning: failed to create container ‘C1’: 404 Not Found:

Not Found

The resource could not be found.< Object PUT failed: 404 Not Found [first 60 chars of response]

Not Found

The resource could not be found.<

[root@object1 swift]# chown -R swift.swift /srv/

[root@server_2 ~]

# swift upload C1 admin-openrc.sh



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